Warners undskyldning til Harry Potter-fans
Den mest læste nyhed på kino.dk er for tiden, at den nye Harry Potter-film er blevet udskudt fra november i år til 17. juli næste år.
Dette har skuffet mange, og indignerede brugere har givet deres mening til kende i kommentarerne til nyheden.
Nu træder Warner Bros.'s repræsentant frem med en officiel undskyldning, som Darkhorizons har bragt online:
"Many of you have written to me to express your disappointment in our moving 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' to Summer 2009.
Please be assured that we share your love for Harry Potter and would certainly never do anything to hurt any of the films. Over the past 10 years, we have nurtured and protected each film, and the integrity of the books upon which they are based, to the best of our ability.
The decision to move 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' was not taken lightly, and was never intended to upset our Harry Potter fans. We know you have built this series into what it is, and we thank you for your ongoing enthusiasm and support.
If I may offer a silver lining: there would have been a two-year gap between 'Half-Blood Prince' and the much-anticipated first part of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows,' which opens in November 2010.
So although we have to wait a little longer for 'Half-Blood Prince,' the wait from that film until 'Deathly Hallows' will be less than 18 months. I am sorry to have disappointed you now, but if you hold on a little longer, I believe it will be worth the wait.
Alan Horn
President, Chief Operating Officer
Warner Bros."
Det skal blive spændende, om filmen kan leve op til yderligere otte måneders forventningsopbygning, men det store spørgsmål er nu: Med Harry og co. ude af billedet, hvilken bliver så den mest ventede film i resten af 2008?